An excellent alternative to metal rebars: sturdy, robust, and lightweight.

In terms of its structure, the rebar is rod with a standard diameter made up of multiple fiberglass threads that have been saturated with a proven thermo-reactive epoxy resin. In order to enhance the adhesion between the rods and concrete or bituminous solutions, the surface of the rods undergoes a ribbed or spiral pattern (reinforcement).

Composite reinforcement boasts a superior level of durability for building structures due to its high resistance to corrosion and chemicals. Its impressive tensile strength enables it to withstand heavy loads, while its inability to conduct electric current makes it ideal for certain applications. Additionally, composite reinforcement is lighter than metal reinforcement and can be easily cut and bent to suit any desired shape. It also exhibits low thermal conductivity and is highly resistant to harsh environments.

Composite reinforcement is an advantageous material in the field of construction, as it possesses superior properties compared to conventional materials. Moreover, it enables the construction period to be shortened and transportation and installation costs to be minimized. Due to its immunity to corrosion, structures and buildings constructed with composite reinforcement have an extended service life.

Furthermore, composite reinforcement promotes environmental sustainability in structures by not containing any harmful substances that could be released during their operation.

Our rebars are produced using an automated manufacturing line and state-of-the-art technological equipment. We utilize raw materials from reputable European suppliers and adhere to the latest regulations to ensure high-quality products.


Bar diameter

2 mm – 24 mm


2,2 g/cm³

Tensile Strength

≥ 1100 MPa

8 mm rebar weight

0,112 kg/m

Standard Length Coils

50m, 100m

Standard Length Bars

3m, 6m, other – on request

Standard Coil Size

800mm, 1000mm, 1300mm

Meters Per Pallet (coils)

Up to 8500m

Bars Per Pack

Up to 500pcs

Service Life

100 years


ISO 9001

REBARMAT® use cases

Outperforming Steel, Outlasting Time: Composite Rebar is the Ultimate Solution

Reinforcement of foundations and walls

Concrete structure new construction site for background

The reinforcement of foundations and walls is an essential part of building construction to ensure the stability and durability of the structure. Traditionally, steel rebars have been used for reinforcement purposes, but the use of composite rebars has gained popularity in recent years due to their various advantages over steel rebars.

Composite rebars are made of a combination of fibers, such as carbon, glass, or basalt, and a polymer resin matrix. They are corrosion-resistant, lightweight, and have a high strength-to-weight ratio, making them an ideal alternative to traditional steel rebars. In addition, composite rebars do not conduct electricity or magnetic fields, making them suitable for use in areas with electromagnetic interference.

One of the significant benefits of using composite rebars for reinforcement is their resistance to corrosion. Steel rebars are prone to corrosion due to the presence of oxygen and moisture, which can lead to structural damage and a shorter lifespan. Composite rebars are non-corrosive, which means they are less likely to deteriorate over time, making them a durable option for reinforcement.

Composite rebars are also lightweight and easy to handle, making them convenient to install in hard-to-reach areas. They can be easily cut and shaped on-site, reducing installation time and labor costs. In addition, composite rebars have a high fatigue resistance, which means they can withstand repeated stress cycles without deteriorating, making them suitable for high-stress applications. With the increasing demand for sustainable and durable building materials, composite rebars are likely to become a more popular choice in the future.

Road and bridge construction


Roads and bridges are critical components of transportation infrastructure, and they require materials that are strong, durable, and long-lasting. While steel rebars have traditionally been used for reinforcement in road and bridge construction, composite rebars offer several advantages that make them a viable alternative.

Composite rebars are made by combining fibers such as carbon, glass, or basalt with a polymer resin matrix. They are lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and have a high strength-to-weight ratio, making them ideal for use in areas with high seismic activity or harsh environmental conditions.

One of the primary benefits of using composite rebars in road and bridge construction is their resistance to corrosion. Steel rebars are prone to corrosion due to exposure to salt, moisture, and other environmental factors, which can cause structural damage and shorten their lifespan. Composite rebars, on the other hand, are non-corrosive and offer a durable option for reinforcement in road and bridge construction.

Composite rebars also have a higher tensile strength than steel rebars, meaning they can withstand greater stress without breaking. This property is especially important in bridge construction, where the structure must be able to bear heavy loads and withstand harsh environmental conditions.

Shore and Water Object Reinforcement


Using Composite Rebars for Shore and Water Object Reinforcement

Shores and water objects such as piers, docks, and seawalls are subject to harsh environmental conditions, including saltwater corrosion, tidal forces, and wave action. Traditionally, steel rebars have been used for reinforcement purposes in these structures, but composite rebars offer several advantages over steel, making them a promising alternative.

One of the most significant benefits of composite rebars for shore and water object reinforcement is their resistance to corrosion. Steel rebars are highly susceptible to corrosion in saltwater environments, which can cause structural damage and shorten the lifespan of the structure. Composite rebars, on the other hand, are non-corrosive, making them a durable option for reinforcement in shore and water object construction.

Another advantage of using composite rebars is their high strength-to-weight ratio. They are lightweight but offer superior tensile strength compared to traditional steel rebars, making them ideal for use in structures subjected to high loads, such as docks and piers. Composite rebars are also highly resistant to fatigue, meaning they can withstand the repeated loading and unloading cycles that occur in water structures without losing strength.

In addition, composite rebars are easy to install, this makes them a cost-effective alternative to steel rebars, as they require less labor and can be installed quickly.


Empower Your Construction with REBARMAT®

How to calculate concrete amount for composite rebar compared to steel rebars

Concrete pouring during commercial concreting floors of building

When using composite rebars in reinforced concrete structures, it is important to adjust the amount of concrete used to compensate for the difference in density between composite and steel rebars. Composite rebars have a lower density than steel rebars, which means that less concrete is required to fill the same volume of space.

To calculate the amount of concrete needed for composite rebars compared to steel rebars, the cross-sectional area of the rebars must be considered. The cross-sectional area of composite rebars is typically slightly larger than that of steel rebars, due to the need for a thicker coating to protect against corrosion.

To determine the amount of concrete needed for composite rebars, the cross-sectional area of the rebars is multiplied by the length of the section being reinforced. The weight of the composite rebars is then calculated by multiplying the cross-sectional area by the density of the composite material. The amount of concrete needed can be calculated by subtracting the weight of the composite rebars from the weight of an equivalent amount of steel rebars, and multiplying the difference by the density of concrete.

For example, if a reinforced concrete section requires 100 square meters of steel rebars with a density of 7850 kg/m³, and composite rebars are being used with a density of 2200 kg/m³, the amount of concrete needed can be calculated as follows:

Calculate the weight of the composite rebars by multiplying the cross-sectional area (in square meters) by the density of the composite material (in kg/m³). Calculate the weight of the equivalent amount of steel rebars by multiplying the cross-sectional area (in square meters) by the density of the steel material (in kg/m³). Subtract the weight of the composite rebars from the weight of the equivalent amount of steel rebars to determine the weight difference. Multiply the weight difference by the density of concrete (typically 2400 kg/m³) to determine the amount of concrete needed.

It is important to note that the exact amount of concrete needed will depend on the specific design of the reinforced concrete structure, and should be calculated by a qualified engineer or contractor.

How to tie and calculate overlap amount for composite rebars


To tie and calculate the overlap amount for composite reinforcement bars according to Eurocode 2, you can follow the steps outlined below along with an example calculation:

Determine the characteristic strength of the concrete and the diameter of the composite rebars.

For this example, assume that the characteristic strength of the concrete is 30 MPa and the diameter of the composite rebars is 16 mm.
Check the relevant design codes and standards for the minimum overlap length requirement based on these parameters.

According to Eurocode 2, the minimum overlap length for composite rebars with a diameter of 16 mm and a characteristic strength of 30 MPa is 40 times the diameter of the rebar. Therefore, the minimum overlap length is 40 x 16 mm = 640 mm.
Select an appropriate mechanical coupler that is designed for composite reinforcement bars.

For this example, assume that a mechanical coupler with a length of 150 mm is being used. Determine the length of the coupler based on the manufacturer’s specifications and any additional splicing requirements.

According to the manufacturer’s specifications, the length of the mechanical coupler is 150 mm. Assume that there are no additional splicing requirements. Add the minimum overlap length to the length of the coupler and any additional splicing requirements to determine the total splice length required.

The total splice length required is the sum of the minimum overlap length and the length of the coupler: 640 mm + 150 mm = 790 mm. When tying composite reinforcement bars together, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and use the appropriate tools and equipment. The ties should be tight and secure, and should not damage the surface of the composite reinforcement. It is also important to ensure that the composite reinforcement is properly aligned and supported during the tying process, to prevent any damage or deformation.

It is recommended to consult with a qualified structural engineer or designer for specific guidance on tying and calculating the overlap amount for composite reinforcement bars according to Eurocode 2, as the requirements may vary depending on the project specifications and design requirements.

What is the overlap amount according to Eurocode2 for steel rebars and composite rebars


The minimum overlap length requirements for steel reinforcement bars and composite reinforcement bars according to Eurocode 2 are different due to the different material properties of the two types of reinforcement.

For steel reinforcement bars, the minimum overlap length according to Eurocode 2 is typically 50 times the diameter of the bar. This is because the bond between the steel bar and the surrounding concrete is critical for the transfer of forces, and a longer overlap length is required to ensure sufficient bond strength.

For composite reinforcement bars, the minimum overlap length according to Eurocode 2 is typically 40 times the diameter of the bar. This is because composite reinforcement bars have mechanical anchorage through the surface features such as ribs or other surface features that provide the necessary anchorage and transfer of forces.

For example, for a reinforcement bar with a diameter of 16 mm and a characteristic strength of concrete of 30 MPa, the minimum overlap length according to Eurocode 2 would be:

For steel reinforcement bars: 50 times the diameter, resulting in a minimum overlap length of 800 mm (50 x 16 mm).
For composite reinforcement bars: 40 times the diameter, resulting in a minimum overlap length of 640 mm (40 x 16 mm).
It’s important to note that the minimum overlap length requirements may vary based on project-specific conditions and the specific design requirements. Therefore, it’s recommended to consult with a qualified structural engineer or designer for specific guidance on determining the overlap length for reinforcement bars according to Eurocode 2.