Become a REBARMAT® Distributor:

Unleash the Potential of Innovative Construction Solutions.

Discover the unique advantages of REBARMAT® FRP Rebars – up to 50% cost savings, 3-4 times stronger than traditional steel rebars, and a lifespan of over 100 years.


1. Profitable Market Opportunity

Profit margin of 45%

2. Exclusive Support and Training

We provide our distributors with comprehensive training and continuous support

3. High-Quality Product Range

GFRP REBARMAT® PRO, GFRP MESH, and GFRP AGRO. Each product offers unique selling points

4. Marketing and Brand Recognition

Benefit from REBARMAT® brand recognition and marketing materials

5. Competitive Edge

Thanks to unique features like high strength, corrosion resistance, and sustainability

6. Flexible Partnership Terms

Flexible terms that accommodate different market needs and business models

Interested in becoming distributor of REBARMAT® composite reinforcement?

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